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D Ninos Cheese Tea And Boba, Jl. Kaliurang Km7.Melati 1/10

Rating 4.1 (4.1)

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Restoran D Ninos Cheese Tea And Boba, Jl. Kaliurang Km7.Melati 1/10 merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang tepatnya di daerah Sleman

  •   Alamat : Jl.Kaliurang Km 7.Gg Melati 1no 10. Babadanbaru, Condongcatur, Sleman
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 12-Nov-2020
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Snacks Jajanan, Minuman, Sweets Desserts. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Menu Solutip Boba KINI Cream Cheese + Boba

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Menu Solutip Boba
Berikut harga dan menu Menu Solutip Boba dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Green Tea Original Green Tea Original
Sensasi Menyegarkan Green Tea Brown Sugar Milk
Rp. 13,800
Red Velvet (Original) Red Velvet (Original)
Bayangkan Jiwa Anda Bergelora Laksana Red Velvet Dipadu Dengan Brown Sugar Dan Milk Kental
Rp. 13,800
Choco Melt (Original) Choco Melt (Original)
Rasa Cinta Kasih Yg Coklat Dicampur Dengan Brown Sugar Milk Membuat Hati Serasa Berbunga Bunga
Rp. 13,500
Hoki Taro Boba Hoki Taro Boba
Rayakan Keberuntungan Anda Dengan Segenggam Hoki Taro Milk Ditambah Sepotong Brown Sugar
Rp. 13,500
Choco Biscuit Boba Choco Biscuit Boba
Biscuit Fresh Brown Sugar Milk Boba
Rp. 14,000
Cappucino Boba Cappucino Boba
Cappucino Milk Brown Sugar Boba Membuat Petir Menggelegar
Rp. 12,800
Sugar Vibe Boba Sugar Vibe Boba
Persembahan Menggelegar Dari Brown Sugar Milk Boba
Rp. 10,000
Coffe Caramel Boba Coffe Caramel Boba
Coffe Caramel Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 13,000
Strawberry Fresh Strawberry Fresh
Rasa Freesh Strawberry Brown Sugar Milk Sugar Boba
Rp. 13,000
Thai Tea Boba Thai Tea Boba
Teh Thailand Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 13,000
Bubble Gum Boba Bubble Gum Boba
Minuman Rasa Bable Gum Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 13,000
Blackfores Boba Blackfores Boba
Minuman Pelepas Dahaga Rasa Blackflores Brown Sugar Milk Boba
Rp. 13,000
Hazelnut Hazelnut
Penghilang Ngantuk Hazelnut Brown Sugar Milk Kental Boba
Rp. 12,500
Choco Vanila Boba Choco Vanila Boba
Choco Vanila Brown Sugar Milk Boba
Rp. 13,500
Blueberry Blueberry
Blueberry Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 13,800
Tiramisu Boba Tiramisu Boba
Rasa Tiramisu Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 14,000
Vanila Boba Vanila Boba
Mendungnya Vanilla Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 14,000
Cheese Cake Boba Cheese Cake Boba
Rasa Cheese Cake Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 14,000

Kategori KINI Cream Cheese + Boba
Berikut harga dan menu KINI Cream Cheese + Boba dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Choco Melt Cream Cheese Choco Melt Cream Cheese
Coklat Milk Brown Sugar Topping Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000
Green Tea Cream Cheese Green Tea Cream Cheese
Minuman KeKINIan Brown Sugar Milk Boba Topping Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Hoki Taro Cream Cheese Hoki Taro Cream Cheese
Hoki Taro Milk Brown Sugar Boba Topping Cream Cheese
Rp. 18,000
Choco Biscuit Cream Cheese Choco Biscuit Cream Cheese
Rasa Biscuit Milk Brown Sugar Boba Topping Cream Cheese
Rp. 18,000
Red Velvet Cream Cheese Red Velvet Cream Cheese
Red Velvet Milk Brown Sugar Boba Topping Cream Cheese
Rp. 18,000
Cappucino Cream Cheese Cappucino Cream Cheese
Cappucino Brown Sugar Boba Milk Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Sugar Vibe Cream Cheese Sugar Vibe Cream Cheese
Brown Sugar Milk Boba Cream Cheese
Rp. 16,000
Coffe Caramel Cream Cheese Coffe Caramel Cream Cheese
Paduan Coffe Caramel Milk Brown Sugar Boba Cream Cheese
Rp. 18,000
Thai Tea Cream Chess Thai Tea Cream Chess
Original Thai Tes Cream Cheese Brown Sugar Milk Boba
Rp. 17,500
Buble Gum Cream Cheese Buble Gum Cream Cheese
Minuman Rasa Bable Gum Cream Chees Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 18,000
Strawbery Cream Chesee Strawbery Cream Chesee
Strawbery Milk Brown Sugar Boba Cream Chesee
Rp. 17,500
Blackfores Cream Chesee Blackfores Cream Chesee
Minuman Pelepas Dahaga Rasa Blackflores Brown Sugar Milk Boba Cream Chesee
Rp. 18,000
Choco Vanila Cream Cheese Choco Vanila Cream Cheese
Choco Vanila Brown Sugar Milk Boba Cream Cheese
Rp. 18,000
Blueberry Creem Cheese Blueberry Creem Cheese
Blueberry Creem Cheese Milk Brown Sugar Boba
Rp. 17,800
Tiramisu Cream Cheese Tiramisu Cream Cheese
Tiramisu Milk Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000
Hazelnut Cream Cheese Hazelnut Cream Cheese
Hazelnut Milk Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000
Vanila Cream Cheese Vanila Cream Cheese
Vanila Milk Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000
Cheesecake Cream Cheese Cheesecake Cream Cheese
Cheese Cake Milk Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 10,000 - Rp. 18,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran D Ninos Cheese Tea And Boba, Jl. Kaliurang Km7.Melati 1/10 secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.

Logo D Ninos Cheese Tea And Boba, Jl. Kaliurang Km7.Melati 1/10

 Lokasi Restoran

 Ulasan Rating
Rasa Enak Rasa Enak21 Rating

 Jam Operasional

 Kuliner Khas Sleman
Sate Kelinci
Jadah Tempe
Sate Jaran
Pepes Belut
Sego Welut
Ayam Goreng
Kupat Gule
Entok Slenget
Saoto Bathok
Salak Pondoh

 Restoran Sekitar D Ninos Cheese Tea And Boba, Jl. Kaliurang Km7.melati 1/10
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1. C****** I***** P****** P****** (01/03/22 - 12:19:42)
Rating Review 5
 sudah kesekian kalinya beli disni,, enak nyegerin beneran, top deh


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